You can help boost music at Cherry Hill East in many different ways. Tell us how you want to help and we will find a great fit for your talents and interests.

We are a friendly caring professional organization and have the same needs as any business! If you have an interest in helping us help our children, we will find a place for you!!
Here are some areas where we currently need help immediately. We will keep this list up to date. So, if it is listed here, we still need you!
At concerts & special events:
Hand out programs (you won't miss a moment of the concert), assist with membership information (you won't miss a moment of the concert), hand out t-shirts, dvd's, operate our video capture & live streaming service, etc.
T-shirt management, website management, social media management, video editing, communications & email blasts, concert program design.
There are so many other ways that you can volunteer to boost music at Cherry Hill East. Just fill out the short form below and we will match your interests with a program need.