October 2023
Regular Monthly Meeting
Jeff Adams called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM
Attendees: Jeff Adams, Tim Keleher, Jodi Gorenberg, Linda Collazo,
Tracy Hoffmann, Myra Ortega
Approval of minutes from last meeting on September 18, 2023
Music Report
Marching Band –
Halfway through the season
10/13 East/West game was rescheduled to 10/26.
10/14 Cavalcade Festival was cancelled due to rain.
Cavalcade Festival on 10/21 may be canceled due to weather.
11/4 Cavalcade Championship
Awards Dinner was changed to 11/6
Springdale Farms Trip 11/8
Senior day student information due 10/17
11/2 Fall Preview
Winter concerts are coming up in December & January
Instrumental -
9/21 - Back to School night 7pm
Music Booster presentation (2 min video)
Music Booster table / membership signups in “D wing”
Vocal – No report
Membership Report
New members added this month:
Faculty=1, Gold=20, Silver=8, Premium=3, Student=4
36 total signups since last meeting
34 signups within 3 days of Back to School Night
18 used the coupon
Membership income $2,905.00
Treasurer’s Report
Fiscal Year starts July 1, 2023
Earned to date TBD
Expenses to date TBD
The budget for scholarships will be reviewed after Fall Preview concert.
Other Topics
Fall Preview Concert
• Jeff will determine where in the program to recruit for volunteers and memberships during the concert.
• Tracey to order tables for this and future concerts.
• Need 3 tables in total and laptops for memberships.
• Time to arrive for table setup- 6:30pm
Dorit, Jodi, Linda, Tracy, and Myra volunteered
• Need a list of all different memberships (paper form) for those who are planning to join to have at the laptops. 10 copies will be made to have some extras on hand.
• Membership Sales:
Needed: Membership flyers with QR codes for electronic/cell phone orders
Order Options:
Paper orders: will provide 3 available Square credit card devices for payment options.
• T-Shirt Packaging
Shirts arrived on Friday and Jenny will let Jeff know if she needs help to prep the t-shirts. A list of members is needed to package the t-shirts based on membership orders to be distributed at the Fall Preview concert. Extra lists of memberships are needed for volunteers to help distribute the t-shirts during Fall Preview concert.
• Concert Program Info
Fall Preview & Winter Concert programs are prepared by the Music Department, unless they request our help. We provide 3-4 pages of information to the Music Department to include in the program consisting of the booster membership, board members, acknowledgments, etc.
Myra volunteered to type up the 4 pages needed for the Fall Preview concert. The deadline is the week of the 10/23 to provide the information to the Music Department.
• Need 4 outside volunteers to help with the Fall Preview concert. Jodi will setup a Volunteer List Signup through Signup Genius.
Jeff will ask for more volunteers to help out before the concert through the email blast
• Announcements and other info for the e-blast requested.
Jeff will send an E-blast – this week pre-announcement and before the Fall Preview concert.
Another T-shirt order will be placed, if necessary, before the winter concert 12/21/23.
Booster Project Ideas
College night for music majors. Colleges came to promote their music program - need someone to organize this. Every representative from colleges and students got a chance to meet them.
Adjournment/Next Meeting
Meeting adjourned at 8:15PM
Next meeting is Monday November 20, 2023 at 7PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Myra Ortega